any values of healthcare

BOFEEL CO., LTD has been growing as a leading company in the field of manufacturing welfare equipment in Korea, starting with the development of 'Elderly Long-Term Nursing Care Insurance' in South Korea.
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The Leading company

BOFEEL CO., LTD is doing its best to become a global advanced company in the field of welfare equipment.
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BOFEEL CO., LTD will continue to make excellent products by securing differentiated capabilities to compete fairly against global companies.
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In addition to producing and supplying its own developed products, BOFEEL CO., LTD is also becoming the only'manufacturing and distribution company' in South Korea by distributing more than 130 products through strategic partnerships with leading domestic and foreign companies.
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BOFEEL CO., LTD has its headquarters and its first factory in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do and also operates a second factory inYangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do, and a sales office in Seoul.
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beyond any values of healthcare