
㈜보필은 복지용구의 불모지나 다름없던 척박한 상황에서도 나라의 위상에 걸맞은 우수한 제품을 개발·제조하기 위한 쉼 없는 노력을 이어가고 있습니다.
BOFEEL CO., LTD has been growing as a leading company in the field of manufacturing welfare equipment in Korea through the development process from the beginning of 'Elderly Long-Term Nursing Care Insurance' in South Korea.
The company was founded in 2006 and was selected by the government as a 'designated operator for welfare equipment. BOFEEL CO., LTD has been growing as a leading company in the field of manufacturing welfare equipment in Korea since the beginning of Korea's long-term care insurance.

In the desperate situation at the very beginning of the business, which was nothing more than a wasteland of welfare equipment, we have endeavored to replace imported products to minimize local outflow, and to develop and manufacture excellent products that match our country's status. To this day, it continues as the business spirit of BOFEEL CO., LTD, which focuses on development and manufacturing.

In accordance with the recent rapid trend of aging, customer demand for new features and products with good quality is also rapidly increasing. Now, BOFEEL CO., LTD is eager to escape from the business development focused on the 'insurance benefit market', which has been supported by the people and the government so far, and to make full-fledged efforts to pioneer the 'domestic and foreign competitive market' with the potential for unlimited growth.

It will be a solid root to compete with global companies and to take pride as an advanced country in the field of welfare equipment. Therefore, we will make every effort to become a great company that provides the most differentiated value to our customers.
Hyunmin Jun, Sungpil Choi , CEO of BOFEEL CO., LTD
beyond any values of healthcare